Looking for rational discussion

Hey! :]

Trump feels like the only individual who will actually do something against the corruption and inefficiency that forms the foundation for D.C. politics. He is the only candidate, beyond Bernie, who called out the trade deals that have caused a loss of jobs and increased trade deficit. He is someone I have decided to truly trust.

His stance and welcoming with LGBT, and soft social issues, draws me too. I'm very right wing politically, and happy that those issues have become softer within his campaign. Trump is more understanding of all Americans. I'm a bi woman who is moderate-liberal on social issues, so this is a fresh change.

Beyond trade, as already discussed , I'm actually happy about a candidate's immigrants stance He has doubled down and reaffirmed it tonight with his speech, and I am ecstatic about it. I know to some he seems harsh, but i feel it's the fairest policy. Tons of Americans are and have been suffering for a long damn time. Wages are stagnant, cost of living is rising, and our infrastructure is disgusting. It isn't fair that resources and opportunities are being focused on those who shouldn't be here, instead of deserving Americans. Excess in labor puts a downward force on wages. Many immigrants are not skilled and don't properly assimilate. They cost our schools extra money. Most are rather poor, dragging attention away from ACTUAL Americans who are suffering, but are ignored. I'm repeating myself, but it bothers the hell.put of me.

The USA has ignored SMART investment in infrastructure. We have politicians who get fat fucking cheques to screw over the average American. We have a military with a budget filled of waste. We have ridiculous drug laws. I'm sick of the current position our country is in. I am not proud of my country or government, and the American dream is dead. We're hardly great, if at all.

I honestly believe Trump can reverse and make progress from where we are. He is not paid off. He supports infrastructure, decriminalization of medical marijuana, strong immigration control, removing inefficiency, sane foreign policy without pointless wars and overextension, and is against corruption from outside influences.

People.say he is an ass, but so is every politician. The only difference is they lie and do it with a smile.

/r/AskThe_Donald Thread