Looking for some input to round out my intended "3rd team comp".

i love to run ning with albedo, especially with a bolide set on ning!

however i would consider not using jean so you can deal with elemental shields! anemo and geo aren't the best at breaking shields, ning can slowly tear down mage shields, but the fatui will be super annoying if you run geo and anemo and leave only one slot open for elemental reactions, since you'll have three slots taken up by mostly inert elements

i like to run ning, albedo, fischl and bennett, but if you're set on not switching up your preexisting teams, maybe consider ning, albedo, diona and whatever other element you need. that way you can be ensured of 100% shield uptime for geo resonance.

personally i've only built my favorite units and constantly change up team comps depending on what i need so that i don't waste resources leveling up more characters, but if you really want a third team why not go for it!

/r/Genshin_Impact Thread