Looking For some suggestion on overcoming the fear of driving a motorcycle.

My dude, I was the exact same way. I only started riding about two months ago, so I’m still unskilled and I do still get nervous, but the very first time I ever sat on a bike I accidentally revved it high af, panicked, and ended up dropping it from a dead stop.

There are two things I had to wrap my brain around before I started to improve. One, don’t be afraid of laying the bike down. I was preoccupied by thoughts like “if I turn too slowly, will the bike fall over? What about if I turn too sharply??” It made me too nervous to try anything, so I wasn’t improving. This is still a fear I’m working to overcome.

Two, don’t be afraid of the motorcycle itself. For me, I was really intimidated by mine and what it could do. But the only one in control of what the bike does is you. Try to trust yourself.

Again, I’m a new rider, so I’m not even gonna attempt to give you any tips on technique or skill, but getting over those two mental hurdles are what turned the corner for me. It sounds like you’re in a very similar headspace as I was, so hopefully they help you as well!

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