Looking for testers for furry comic collection website


You're free to use the website however you like, but here's the minimum list of things I'd like you to do:

  • Create a user (passwords are encrypted, do not worry)
  • Use the filtering/searching/sorting functionality of the index page
  • View some comics
  • Give some comics your rating please (the more the better!)
  • Comment on at least one comic (doesn't have to be anything flashy - if you're at a loss just comment "testing")
  • Use both a laptop/PC and a phone (if you have both accessible, of course)
  • When you've used the site for some time, at least 10 minutes, preferably more, you'll answer a short survey

Your user won't be deleted after the testing is over (unless you want it to be), so you can use your ratings + sorting by "Your rating" as a personal favorite furry comics gallery if you'd like.

Again, please rate some comics!

I don't think any crashes should occur, but who knows

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