Looking for tips on preparing for marriage and being a good wife.

Oh right, sorry. I thought you were saying I was being cocky. What I mean is. I have several friends who are in modern 50/50 relationships. I feel like their wives are the dominant force. They are career women, and very much into wine, and out all the time. Not homely women. One of my friends, his wife is like this and she’s an Uber feminist. He broke down recently when he was really drunk and said his wife said 4 years ago she was finished with him sexually, he sleeps separately. The guy is also a staunch feminist. That’s what I want to avoid - being dominated. My mum did it to my poor dad. I hated it. So I wanted a traditional old school relationship. Where I provided, and then I brought something important.
I came from a very non standard background, my mother is an Uber feminist and also borderline. So I always dreamed of a calm, traditional family where a father and husband is loved and respected for what he brings.
I don’t think I was capable of doing this without being financial successful. Thank you for the therapy session. In my 4th decade of life I’ve worked out why I wanted this for the first time. Mad huh!

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