Looking for a trip sitter

You sound qualified to be a trip sitter yourself. I agree with the others here that you'll probably be fine on your own. I often trip on my own or with my wife alone at our home and never have any problems.

Here are my 3 rules when tripping without a sitter:

  1. Write down the chemicals and dosage of everything you take during a "sesson", so you don't forget and double up your dose.

  2. Start slow and work your way up. Don't drop 30mg of 4-ACO-DMT from the start, I like to take half/third doses of whatever I'm taking and add a bit more every 1 onset cycle until desired effects.

  3. Have an escape plan. Benzos are the anxious psychonaut's best friend. I actually take a small dose of etizolam now for comeup anxiety and it's perfect, and doesn't noticeably affect the trip at all.

It'd be fun to trip sit someone (for science!) but I have the feeling you'll be fine on your own. Happy travels.

/r/RationalPsychonaut Thread