Looking for TTRPGS about Paranormal Investigations

Question - those ghost hunter shows are about looking for the supernatural, maybe documenting it if they find it, right? Is that how the game would go? They're trying to find and record the paranormal?

Or are they going to find it? Fight it? Are they the Warrens (as depicted in the movies), trying to debunk, but ready to fight evil where they find it?

The game you want to find depends on the direction you see the sessions going.


  • They're going to be finding and fighting paranormal stuff every game.

Funny? Try Ghostbusters or MiB.

Action (like Buffy or Supernatural)? Try Monster of the Week (or a couple of others)

Horror? Almost any horror game. They Came from Beyond the Grave, Dread, CofC and so on. Maybe even Night's Black Agents, depending on what you're looking for.

  • Trying to make it feel like one of the shows you mentioned.

Primetime Adventures would be good for that. Or It Came from the Late, Late, Late show.

See what I mean? And each of these has more options, but it's not worth going into too many without knowing more about what you're looking for.

(Obligatory mention of generic games that could do it, like Fate, FUDGE, GURPS, Hero, Genesys, Cortex...)

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