Looking at some youtube analytics noticed my Larry "Bud" Melon upload had gotten traffic from Washington Post. Ha

Note that Hotel upload has Cyndi Lauper on the show. I had a big poster of Cyndi Lauper on my wall, btw, and my brothers that I was a bit weird. But she's really fucking cute. But I remember during that interview with Dave - Cyndi was in her full "MTV Brand Marketing" phase of her career (She Bop, Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, etc.) and she'd talk in this really ditzy voice. But there's a part in the interview I remember where she was engaged with the discussion and kind of slipped into just talking like her normal self. Then Dave made a joke, the audience laughed, and she kind of snapped out of it and started with the high-pitched ditzy voice again. That always made me sad.

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