Looksmax advice?

I know the pain...my skin rejects make-up so hard that any sorta bronzer, blush, primer, etc., just falls right off. For u maybe try some gentle bronzer and start by taking pics in different lighting with it+adjusting your application. Keep in mind that 100% u could look like a hot IG model if you applied makeup right, that's how powerful it is (your base is also great).

It's ok if you aren't bubbly--but being comfortable in your own skin and practicing ways of reducing social anxiety and stress might be suuuper helpful for u. I do kno that other femcels do have an habit of saying everything's 100% looks, but tbh people didn't evolve to be that dumb. People can pick up on subtle social cues and prime people based off of a variety of stuff, including social anxiety. Social status matters for girls too, especially for girls that haven't fully looksmaxxed or have stronger features (model-like rather than cutesy doll-like). And, I know it's hard to get rid of anxiety but there's habits that 100% can curve it.

Btw, women who are less stressed out are perceived as being exponentially more attractive to men. Just food/research for thought. I wouldn't say the above bluepill nonsense if I hadn't seen actual scientific lit backing me up.

/r/TheGlowUp Thread Parent