LooksMaxing with Future Tech - Be the 6 foot BigFoot Hulked up Adonis.

I understand where you are coming from. For internal red-pilling yes, it's great if you are going to be a monk in Tibet. But I don't think most people won't go through that path.

But if you want to get ahead in life living within society, looking better would help a lot. Artificial or Natural, it doesn't matter as long as it is aesthetically and functionally better than natural - Even Lifting is also a form of body modification and betterment is not a form of avoidance especially since the concept of "self" is fluid once you let go of ego. The superficial is part of the true real in superficial world.

The fact remains that attractive people get more leeway in both personal and professional lives. Multiple studies show looks have more impact on Men than on Women especially in the Gynocracy we are heading towards. It's embedded right down to the biological subconscious - so people don't even know they might be discriminating.

For women, the line between "Confident" vs "Creep" relies on how attractive the person is. Looks play a huge role in initial impression. It's not far, but expecting fairness is blue-pill. It's always better to wear shoes than try to carpet the entire planet.

Inside Out, there is a rational case for looking better.

/r/TheRedPill Thread Parent