Loose Skin Worries

Thats awfully negative. I wouldn't be so down on yourself. Now, I'm a guy and a realist, so I wont say you NEED to learn to love yourself no matter what weight you are or start #fatacceptance. Obesity is a major health concern and one a lot of us are fighting against. Sexiness/attractive is a major motivator for many people.

Many people won't admit it for fear of sounding shallow or bring it up for fear of getting downvoted into oblivion (I would have twice the karma if it wasn't for even mentioning the idea that a 350 lbs. man who was left by his 275 lbs. wife, took control of his life, and got down to 175 may have better luck or be able to attract people he found more attractive now than if he was still 350 lbs...)

Anyways, people and family will love you regardless of your BMI. However, if you tend to be attracted to attractive men, at least in the conventional/mainstream sense of lean/athletic build, maybe a bit of muscle, and cheek bones and defined jawline, then progressing more towards what is considered conventional/mainstream attractive for a woman only helps.

Anyone who gets upset at that notion isn't living in the real world (such as 400 lb. neckbeards in fedora who only want to date supermodels and "hate fat chicks".)

/r/loseit Thread Parent