Lord of The Squeeze Part 1: Genuinely Good People vs. Greedy Suits

I'm not giving financial advice, do your own DD and pull your own trigger. I'm a retard. I like this stock and this is why:

AMC has not been squeezed yet, it has had a tight hug the past week or so. Potential catalysts:

1) The SI is around 86% of float (if the voices in my head did the my math right and the data they used is accurate), it has gone up since last month when all of this started. It is part of the reopening trade.


2) Silver Lake, a debtor, converted all the debt they held to equity with this recent run up. Plus they (AMC) raised 500mm through an equity offering, which is a minor negative due to dilution. They do have a LOC of 400mm, so BK should be off the table.


3) AMC has a 2.48 Beta, this is rocket fuel.


4) Currently, because it is not trading today, there is no way to know the Delta (rate of change) or the Gamma (rate of change of the rate of change). A significant and / or sustained upward pressure will begin to blow out the Gamma which will blow out the Delta when calls are purchased in high volumes. Remember the MM has to hedge (cover) those call options by buying the stock itself. This creates a cycle of what you are seeing with $GME if enough pressure is added.


I'm high as fuck right now and not responsible for a damn thing I just said. If you trade on what I said you're on your own.

AMC 200 @ 6.36. Adding 1000 Monday and selling CC.

Short 2 Feb 5 18c @ 5.15 : Long 2 Feb 5 20c @ 4.75

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