Lore, metaphor, allusions, similes, personification, thesis/antithesis etc (how we need to embrace the lore of ds2 and approach ds3).

Dark Souls II is full of flowery metaphor and symbolism. This is definitely true. Almost every item description poses an existential question, but to deny that development problems, the absence of the series creator/director, the switch in directors (tone, themes, artistic intent, etc.) halfway through, a complete re-write mid development and the shoehorning of existing assets after the fact didn't hamper the game's quality and consistency in any way is disengenuous. Even the Giants had faces until the mass re-write.

Appreciating and trying to decipher the game's many symbols and philosophical questions is great and makes for good debate. By all means continue! Insinuating that anyone who doesn't like Dark Souls II or it's lore is because they just doesn't "get it" or they're too dumb or lazy to understand it is wrong and can be borderline insulting.

Plenty of people "get it". They just don't like it. Implying that everyone should adore Dark Souls II or overlook all of it's problems, regardless of their opinions of it, because it's chock-full of metaphor and philosophy is silly. That sort of thing just doesn't matter to some people or if it does, it's just not enough for them to overlook the problems they have with it. I love philosophy, but Dark Souls II's messy design and inconsistencies keep me from really caring about it. What's the point of digging into a game's symbolism if you don't like a lot of what the game did otherwise, you know?

Please, by all means keep making threads and pondering symbolism. This not an attack on you and I'm not in any way trying to shut you down on doing that. If not looking for a fight - no hostility or hate here. Just don't sssume others who don't like Dark Souls II don't get it or that it's too highbrow for them to understand or just brush them off as blind bandwagon haters. People have their reasons and that should be respected. That's the only thing I take umbrage with. Please, by all means carry on.

/r/darksouls3 Thread