Lorena O'Neil repeats bizarre lie about a fictional men's rights boycott of Mad Max film.

Honestly we should boycott this movie for the exact reasons RoK started the boycott. Feminists transformed a male cult classic into feminist propaganda. They are doing now to male entertainment what they already did to male spaces. It's just another front in their twisted war of the sexes. Question is, when will we wake up? Feminists are sneakily getting their sick message through to millions of people watching this movie without realizing what's going on - they will just leave the theatre with their stereotypes reinforced that men are oppressive subhuman brutes while women are independent, smart and strong victims. Feminists destroy or corrupt male role models and 'legends' one by one, they are in the process or eradicating male targeted art & entertainment. Starbuck was rewritten into a woman. The Arthurian legends were desecrated. Feminist grrrl power fantasies introduced to norse mythology. GTA 5 banned from Target. Whedon bashes Jurassic World for "being sexist", and then he gets kicked in the nuts as well for Avengers 2.

I think it's time the MRM realizes that feminists wage their war not only in courts and in the blogosphere, their's is a full on attack on everything related to masculinity, including written and visual art, culture. This new abomination titled Mad Max is their way of destroying another male icon and transforming it into sick feminist propaganda.

/r/MensRights Thread Link - cnn.com