You lose your humanity when you become a target.

This wasn't written about you, it was a separate interaction I had that sparked my thought process on this with another communist who I thought I agreed with yesterday, but good job making yourself look delusional I guess?

Let's link your deranged thread where you harass me and tell me you'll end my 'YouTube career' for calling your flagrant displays of fetishizing toddlers in diapers for grown adults to jerk off too pedophilia, in case anyone gives a shit about your kink bullshit.

And let's also share you saying I, a formerly homeless, low-income queer worker, is privileged despite yourself being a millionaire who makes a living off of what I described above above.

Now, because you're pissing me off here's you, a person with 100ks of views, threatening a smaller YouTube channel with less than 80 subscribers with vague allusions to cancelling me when I make any progress by essentially stalking me.

And finally, here is you begging me to stop dragging you after I posted about what you said to me on twitter after you found my account and followed it for what... another threat?

I didn't read anything you said, leave me alone.

/r/Enough_Vaush_Spam Thread Parent