Loss, drug abuse, mental health, and accidentally finding myself.

Check out r/researchchemicals. They have many dissociative enthusiasts and everyone is very open minded about psychedelic usage. People post stories like this there all the time and usually get a good response. I tried DXM a couple times in college but never really enjoyed the experience. It wasn't a train wreck but I also didn't find being dissociated enjoyable or psychologically healing and enlightening like serotonergic psychedelics can be. Not saying they can't be. I've never holed, though I'm pretty sure I was close to it the second time. I just didn't find it worthwhile for me. I don't think I'm wired for it because my experience never had any of the euphoria I see a lot of people describe in experience reports. It was very neutral, even mildly dysphoric experience.

/r/CasualConversation Thread