Lost a friendship over a disagreement

No, I said nothing bad. I just complained about lack of evidence from the professor and how I disagreed with it. And she got personal with her personal story with the wage gap and her bf which I now realize after thinking about it. I should have had more empathy for her life experiences but I just am of the mindset if you don’t like your job because they aren’t promoting you or you hate your life then change it and go where you are appreciated or go do what you love even if it means hard times ahead and even if it’s scary we are not trapped we always have options But i guess when I said that to her it was harsh. which probably is what hurt her feelings and it just hit me. I did apologize and I’m just direct with people she knows that and I’m not genuinely trying to hurt anyone’s feelings especially not my best friends. There was def a chance to find that middle ground or change my mind or at least to forgive and move on but she just shut down every attempt to save the friendship or talk. But I have to live my truth too so it is what it is I mean it was her choice not mine. I just want to text her but I don’t want to be annoying.

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