I lost a guy friend (and have lost other guy friends) because I wouldn’t date him.

Sometimes I feel like women try to use guy friends emotionally and in every way like boyfriend, but without the sex. So, the person is good enough for you to lean on, trust etc...but not good enough to have sex with.

So when the female friend goes and hooks up with other guys or whatever, this can be pretty emotionally damaging to the guy because they think, “well why not me, whats wrong with me.”

Not saying this is correct, or that all guys think like this. Coming from the personal experience of an often friend zoned dude in high school. I never expected sex like the more neck-beard way of thinking, but was always hurt like ok so im good enough to be a close friend but no one ever finds me sexually attractive.

Anyway, I’m 30 and happily married now and cringe looking back at high school me. Lot’s of regrets in how relationships were handled.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread