You didn't fly better though? I'm triggered cause you blamed your loss on everything but yourself. Instead of reviewing what you could do better. You lost because he was op and you were not.

It had nothing to do wit what I listed above. You think you did no wrong when you dis plenty wrong. And the first thing you wrote above was how triggered by it all you were.

As far are the rest of the nonsense you spewed out. It's whatever. You'll never get better if you don't learn from your own mistakes. When you can't take accountability for your own actions and learn from them.

You're like the fast food guy that still puts pickles and tomato on my burger. And when I come in to complain about you say. Why don't you just take them off it's not a big deal. When that wasn't your job in the first place. Asn't turns out you make the same mistake all day and never correct yourself and you get fired. You can't even handle a fast food job.

And that's the same premise here. You're blaming everyone but yourself and with that attitude you'll never git gud. You'll complain that you're the best while you get stomped on a daily basis.

/r/Elite_Dangerous Thread Parent