Lost a year

Engineering = Very difficult schooling, but relatively sorter. Lots of career opportunities. The work will generally be easier and way less demanding than school. There may be no gratitude for your job (obviously depending on what you do).

Medical(MD) = Education, less difficult than engineering by a lot. Duration of education is considerably longer. When you actually get to your career, the job will demand much more from you than school did. There will be gratitude from every direction (even causing a god complex for the less intelligent MD's).

So.... What's important to you? i.e... if you need to feel like you're making a difference, medical school may be better.

Generally, if you're the type of person that can be happy with life, you'll end up liking either. They can both be fulfilling if you make it that way.

(Keep in mind, engineers work with doctors all the time. Striker is a major medical equipment producer and they hire all sorts of engineers, so it doesn't have to be one or the other)

/r/findapath Thread