Lostbelt 3: Qin - Chapter 5

You are like the oppressors, and not a weapon against them. You who are like an oppressor but have no experience being one.

However, I say so daringly as the pride of the people. So long as life still remains on the side of pan-human history, this decision should never even be questioned. However,I must so daringly as one who praises in honor of human, that you must not assume that pan-human history is the side that should survive.

War in the north was given command by the republic in Aztect, and both have been abolished to become a part of the great empire. Your strategy defeated the Republic of Aztec in the War of North Pole, which secured our world dominance.

Han Xin. We called your strategic genius here for a purpose. If that overly cutesy disposition keeps up, I will be facing a high price. Han Xin, I value highly your fetish that is too gross to be called strategic geniousity.

I trust in you. As the firm protectors of Qin. Very reliable. Now Qin's defense is firm as rock.

/r/grandorder Thread