I make a lot more than he does :-/

This is going to end up being super hilarious, but goes back to a very valid point a guy was making on here the other day about socioeconomic differences, but got lambasted for. Your post just furthers his point. Economics matter in most cases.

Don't venture more than one tax bracket below where you reside. It doesn't seem huge now, but you'll notice, and it will bother you. Whether it's food brands, toiletries, or something more prominent such as vehicles or clothing, it will annoy you at some point. Never take a step backwards for anyone.

It depends on the amounts, also. If someone makes $20k and the other makes $40k, that's a different scenario than a cosmetic surgeon who makes around $1.2M and a bf who pays himself $2M in salary. At a certain point, the numbers aren't that big of a deal, because sports cars, homes, vacation homes, etc are already established and furnished with high end items. In that situation, it is more of an issue of consolidating when the time comes. Some may think $800k is a lot of difference, but again, at economies of scale, it really isn't.

/r/datingoverthirty Thread