I think a lot of us owe our childhoods to this man

This is misinformation at its finest. This man is one of the contributors to the Fairchild Channel F, a console known to be the first to have a programmable ROM cartridge and the first to use a microprocessor.

Jerry Lawson worked on it with Ron Smith, who worked on the mechanical engineering of the cartridges and the controllers and Nick Talesfore, who designed the charges, controllers, consoles and cartridges.

Jerry here was in charge of designing the processors and other electronic components. To say he invented video game cartridges is an outrageous exaggeration of reality.

He had a great contribution towards the Fairchild, but he didn't invent the rom cartridges. To make up this kind of bullshit about the man is a mockery of his actual achievement, which in many ways, were just as complex and vital for the console and its fame.

He worked on an entirely different area of the console.

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