A lot of people have asked me what went down between me and ossipap. Now that he's gone I've decided to be more open about it.

I think a better option would have been to DM the people who were curious, or worded this post differently, how I don't know. There's a guy who literally commented "fuck him" and called him a dickhead and an asshole on this post, which I just said I was worried would happen. Yeah he made a dick move but he's not a dickhead. I think he just became burnt out, and bitter over how different the sub has become. I feel the same way I've just managed to keep it to myself more.

I just feel like this post paints him in a terrible light and only highlights the few shitty things he did amongst the loads of other things he did in the practically 7 months he was here. I think that joke Williekins made in another comment fits: it almost looks like you're trying to start a smear campaign against him.

I'm not saying you should stay silent on this, but I think you could've gone about this differently. How? I have no idea, I really don't even know anymore I should've really just not even cared about this and ignored it but whatever

/r/DDLC Thread Parent