I think a lot of people who look down on poor and less successful people as lazy or stupid do so because they want to avoid admitting a lot of, and therefore their own, wealth and success is down to luck.

Fortunately even if people can argue about free will, humans spend almost all there life subjectively unaware of the neurophysiology of there brain. I agree that belief is powerful, and if you have faith in yourself, you will almost certainly do better in life.

I still know people who don't have such faith. My brother for instance and this is heavy committed suicide after many years of trying his best. I at all times recognised how lucky I was to not feel how he did. I simply couldn't sit there and blame him. I love him to this day and he was my best friend, I am just trying to figure out the best way in which to be kind to people who are unfortunate, and if it at all possible help them in the ways we know are possible.

You have to parse out your subjective beliefs from academic things I'm talking about, things that obviously I only think about when really necessary.

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