Wouldn't the ultimate form of freedom however be to choose whatever you want without a governing body to tell whats your "freedoms" and/or "rights"? We, for literal thousands of years have screwed ourselves repeatedly by letting a governing body dictate what we can and cant do, if its from killing millions for religious reasons or political reasons, we always stick ourselves back in the hole.
Do I disagree with the left as a whole, both libleft and authleft? Yes, wholeheartedly. Do I hate them? No, its their choice to choose what believe in as a individual.
Socially, I have very stereotypical beliefs of a Christian, but Im far from a Conservative. I honestly could not care what people do with their life, its theirs to choose. Do I think alot of shit is immoral from the sterotypical leftist views? Yes, but I tolerate it because its their choose.
Being progressive has turned from wanting people to be accepted or tolerated in a society to forcing people to accept them and enforcing them to be accepted via government and societal pressure. I don't believe its freedom at all, its social tyranny that has grown to a government scale.