To the loud motorcycles out for a rip right now

Dude, this shit does not make sense to 99.999% of the population. You actually have to be mentally deficient to find loud bikes in any way pleasant. It's like arguing that a steak is better when it's been eaten by a chef and pooped out onto your plate. We don't understand how you could possibly enjoy it because we're not dumb.

"Why is someone a loser for wanting a a pre-digested steak? Meats sing when they ferment easier.

Why do you think you are some kind of superior lifeform for that?

Enjoy life a little, part of eating meat is enjoying the digestive enzymes of the chef.

You are probably eating filet mignon though, which has as much personality as veal.

If you eat fresh shit straight out a chef's ass you would understand.

You wouldnt need super moist diarrhea either, el buttholes is a good line of chef's that make poops a little looser, only marginally looser than pre-digested meats."

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