Louisville PR firm played a key role in Covington Catholic controversy

Was the PR firm hired by the family of Nick Sandmann, the racist punk from Convington Catholic?

Asked about its role, RunSwitch released a statement saying that the firm "has been retained by the Sandmann family to offer professional counsel with what has become a national media story. We are working with the family to ensure an accurate recounting of events which occurred this past weekend.”

Oh, it is related to the family of racist punk, Nick Sandmann.

Honestly, I hope this kid grows up, begins to question the poison his family has put into his head, and learns to be a compassionate human being who is ashamed he ever wore that fucking hat. That would be the only happy ending.

But if he wants to ascend the mantle of second biggest MAGA asshole, there are people who would gladly allow him to take that position as well. His choice.

/r/politics Thread Link - courier-journal.com