I love you.

Yes I know. Believe me when I say there are time last when I feel like a total piece of shit because of the way I feel about this person. I do love my wife though. She’s been a great wife and a great mother and I’ll never hurt her. This person is someone near and dear to her and if she knew how we felt it would crush her. So I will never reveal it to anyone. There’s a part of me that wishes I had let her kiss me that night because god I want her so badly. There’s another part of me that knew it was wrong and the damage it would inflict and I think it’s for the better that that part of me was stronger that night. I know I must seem like an awful person and that’s ok if people think I am. But I have stayed faithful to my wife and loved her the best I can and given her and our kids a happy home. I just needed to vent this here because there’s no one I know in my life I could ever confess this to. Well, there’s one person but if I told her then god only knows what might happen between us and I won’t ever let that happen.

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