love addiction, the chakras, getting better

I had a girl friend last year and I was literally addicted to cuddling with her which sounds stupid when I type it out. I figure it must be something psychological since the addiction was so strong and I've never heard about it anywhere else. It's similar to what this entails, especially the last point on Chakras. The more I think about it though, she was probably my top priority,even over my own well-being. I mostly thought about her or associated with her for a while until she ripped my heart out. It's been over a year and I still think about her almost every day at least once, but when I consider pursuing other girls it's much easier to dampen those thoughts. I've been successful lately in working on myself, and single lately, so I was wondering if I should still be seeking to resolve any issues or if I'm already on the right track. Am I a love addict or just a normal heart broken teenager who has a propensity towards cuddling?

/r/DecidingToBeBetter Thread