Love at first sight is highly improbable. But have you ever had an instance where you met someone and had a feeling they'd be a part of your life?

Yes! I was out with some friends, and my now-SO was sort of on the sidelines of our group. We'd spoken before, and it was obvious I was into her, but she was playing it way cooler.

About two hours into the getting drunk process, she disappears and subjects us collectively to the playbook of "woman on a night out" histrionics. Screaming into her phone, crying in the bathrooms and in public, drinking recklessly, babbling incoherently, full-on panic attack, the works.

I white knighted and attended to her. Turns out she was freaking because she just found out, right there in the bar, that her uncle had died. Worse, her BFF blew her off when she phoned her about it (said BFF is now a thing of the past, and a confirmed cunt).

After a bit of back-and-forth she admitted she didn't have anywhere to stay without the BFF, and agreed to come back to mine to calm down and sober up. We stayed up talking, shared my bed (clothes on), woke up, she admitted to accepting my help because she wanted us to hook up, <scene missing>, we went for a smoke and shot the shit some more, <scene missing>, I kicked her out so I could go and buy some bacon and eggs.

We got to the store and had to part ways. I kissed her, and something inside me shifted. I knew in that moment that either I would never see that girl again, or she would fuck up my life completely.

A year later, and she's still fucking things up for me <3

/r/AskReddit Thread