I love getting my pussy eaten, but I’ve never been able to cum from it.

Honestly; and I do hate that I have to say this, but it’s done because it does work. Not that I was one of those guys, but I was in the past. I find it repulsive now. But if you follow rules 1 & 2 it’s had a pretty high success rate. Lots of men out there just want sex. Lots of woman out there just want sex. Typically younger people, but not always. We are creatures that have sex for pleasure and we tend to get horny sometimes. I’ve had woman make opening lines of the same caliber. I find it weird that adults are appalled by this. Now Reddit may not be the most appropriate place for that behavior, I understand that. Unless you’re replying to a post on gonewild, perhaps. If women want behavior like that to stop, it has to stop working.

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