Love/Hate Relationship W/ Validation?

Hate isn't the opposite of love, if we define love properly. Hate is the opposite of favor. My preference is the opposite of what I hate. What blocks the favorite is the hated. Love is a state of being with no opposite, only an absence, or a non-discovery. Hate cooled over is just frustration.

I've been having this struggle with coffee ever since getting back from Europe where they only serve espresso drinks, and the closest to a cup of coffee is an Americano. When I was there I was mostly not liking them but slowly something was changing.

Having returned, I no longer enjoy a plain cup of coffee. I keep buying different kinds, trying different types of non-dairy creamers, sweeteners—whatever I was doing before I left doesn't work now. I hate this.

My favorite cup of Americano occurred somewhere, and it was the best cup of coffee of any type I have ever had, and now it's my preference (favor and prefer being similar), and I'm screwed, because I don't have an espresso machine. The preference is now inaccessible (really, indefinable). But I don't 'love' coffee. I love in that it's my state of being. Love is purpose, meaning, lasting happiness, etc.

This is the trouble with preference, and it occurs without us knowing, and is a reality on the spiritual path, but contentment in all circumstances, in all cups of coffee, is ideal. If you can, just be content with validation or none at all. But if you do hate something, just be fine with that. It will probably change at some point anyway. Likely so.

Love it all. Don't let prefer-hate binary drive your car in life. We are not AI. And hate is a very costly emotion, energetically speaking, and can drive our car off the road. It is also a cost of doing business with preference. But love is free. Love everything.

/r/spirituality Thread