I love the idea of FIRE but find it totally unobtainable.

I've got 2 kids (2 and 5) and we spend about £100 every ten days.

We order online (aldi click and collect) so we get what we need and any treats are well managed.

We mostly meet free and don't drink much so that really really helps keep costs down.

We're also "in the trenches". My wife works night because she doesn't want to send them to childcare (wouldn't take much home of we did...) and help at school in the morning so I do schoolroom, work, then their bedtime. It's a treadmill.

We currently burning through our savings slowly...as we sort of expected to... we wudda been in trouble if we hadn't of squirrelled some away before our first. Hopefully it'll last until the younger one gets to school.

£170 a week is eye watering in my/OPs position.

Keep on trudging on!!!

/r/FIREUK Thread Parent