You love me but aren't ready for a relationship

You're making way too many assumptions about him and you're not really qualified to be doing that I think.

I think you're still scared I'm going to abandon you.. Because you've been in love once before with someone who almost destroyed you.

this is fucking offensive to him for you to assume that ....

now Focus on the parts of what you wrote about yourself

"Maybe he's not ready for a relationship with me. Or maybe he's not ready for long distance and he's looking for something in front of him?".

talk to him

But because of how you've loved me, I know it's my turn to reassure you and try to gently show you that I want to stay if you'll let me.


My mind wonders all sorts of questions - tries to read inbetween all the lines.

stop doing that. again...talkiing to him is the adult way to find the answers you want

So I'm taking the time to try and help you overcome your fears, as gently as possible. I'll try to love you with no expectations. Try to love you without wondering if I'll find myself in this same place next year.

this sounds like youre planning on showing him you love him in return by ....breaking it off to take time for yourself??

Try to just love you one day at a time. And maybe, just maybe, one day you'll be ready to be in a relationship.. With me.

the entire f;ing first half of your post was about how .. oh here ill copy paste it

You took the time to know me, reassure me and very very gently overcame my fears. And I'm almost at the point where I'm ready.

you're all over the place. it sounds lie youre getting ready to break this poor guys heart and having a hard time justifying why logically because your logic flow and points make no sense and literally contradict the previous thing you said more than once.

this guy ...has done nothing wrong according to you except have an irrrational fear of being hurt by an old ex based on your theory you came u with (but did not discuss with him or ask him about?)

then you said he's done everythin right and you're repaying the favor by saying it's your turn to reciprocate and show him you're almost ready to commit

and uless im interpreting this youre gonna do that by taking a break and then ask yourself an open ended question about where you'll be in a year???

just tel him you wanna fuck other other guys for a year if that's what you're tricking yourself into avooiding thinking about. stop pretending like he did anything wrong at least.


you need to sit down and think deep about what your intentions are here.

are you committing

are you committing but asking him to take it slow (stop projecting your own fears onto him btw...when you know damn well those fears sound f'ing stupid in context because the dudes head over heels for you doesnt sound lie hes trying to shut you out and set you up for would you know if youve never been in love btw?

or are you actually just tricking yourself into thinking you are taking it slow and then ina year you'll have banged a few other guys and he'll still be fucking hurting from that time you showed your committment by getting drunk and fucking everyone but him for a year.

delete this......reassess you life and thoughts..then try writing it again. i'll grade it again if you need me to before you have this discussion and decide to destroy a relationship for no reason....if you do..make sure you know you are doing it and own it.

flaky excuse vague maybe breakup posts lik this drive me nuts. youre not fooling anyone but yourself. and youll regret it. i promise.dont say i didnt warn you

/r/UnsentLetters Thread