i love this skirt

Because they got their feelings hurt and everyone knows that when you are a spoiled 1st world virtue signaling future Karen/Karn who's incapable of independent thought you must get offended at EVERYTHING that isn't exactly what you've been told to believe. Truth is every time someone says something that's offends you it should make you smile . Why is being offended good? Because in a free society with free speech you will inevitably hear something that offends you. That is a good thing because you are free. If free speech offends you should really blame your parents for raising someone who's not ready for the real world..... this may come as a shock but the real world doesn't care about your feelings or mine. The problem is that kids are coddled by the first generation of people to grow up on and then become parents on social media. Or what ever is causing parents not to care about kids these days. That's right I said it. But it's true if there are no lovers everyone gets a participation award. Your more concerned about being our friends than our parents. You let us basically do whatever we want because you are spineless. And you wrap us in bubble wrap so our upper middle class suburban 1st world privileged feelings don't get hurt because their politics offended me while they didn't use the new made up pronouns that require me to condone body dismorphia which is dangerous or because I have no clue about history but I'm gonna treat the poor little blacks as if they were victims that care for your coddling. Because you are uneducated about Mansa Musa or the Moores who lifted europe out of the dark ages. Are ignorant of his majesty the most high Emporer Haile Salassie, Shaka Zulu and other African kings. You talk of the poor oppressed blacks because 380,000 were brought to America as slave. But you don't teach that the world "slave" itself was derived from the Latin word "slav" for the Slavic people of Eastern europe who were predominantly white and notoriously enslaved by Romans,Ottomans, and Mongolian empires. You don't teach about the over 2 million Anglo European chattel slaves who were brought to Africa as slaves or about the 3000 Irish dumped at sea or the fact that irsh did the most dangerous jobs because the lives of African slaves were considered more valuable. You tear down civil war statues claiming that war was about slavery but in truth it was the federal government vs the confederation and America was founded as a confederation. You know nothing of the initial 13th amendment Lincoln offered to prevent succession which was an amendment to forever protecet slavery but the south refused and succeeded anyway as was their legal right. You don't speak of the war crimes committed by U.S Grant and speak I'll of Robert E Lee despite that by all accounts he was a model of integrity, humility and as FFR said one of the greatest Christians and Americans that have ever lived.. You made the confederate battle flag a symbol of racism despite it being a symbol of freedom. If the north really cared about the black man why did they just turn them out like cattle with no money food education or compensation you left them to fend for themselves. Nearly 1 in 3 southeeners were black and a great many whites lost their lives in the war.. You sewed the seeds of resentment that would turn the south into a racial powder keg and backed it up by your racist anti America Jim crow laws . Now you call our brothers and sister in Latin America "LatinX" a newly made up word in your great conquest to not offend anyone. A word that is insulting to all of our Latin American brothers and sisters everywhere. You claim to care about women but yet in his first year as a transgender you give a man with a penis the woman of the year award. Then you claim any man that decides he wants to be a woman is one .Woman hood is to be revered and respected for they are the givers of life that must spend their adult life battling the cramps, fluctuating menstrual cycles and all of the difficulties of woman hood that a man wouldn't likely endure with such grace. You insult everything it means to be a woman by claiming any man can just opt in. You are so privileged and so board that you have fanned the flames of racism that were nearly extinguished. You live in a fantasy world where being a woman or man can be changed on a whim. You promote transgender lifestyle as if you care about transgender people yet psychology has proven that body dismorphia (the fixation of part(s) of one's body that someone wants to change due to a condition effecting perception in the brain anorexic and bulimic people along with transgender people and others all have Body Dismorphia (BDD) if you read the literature you'd know that going along with it and condoning their perceptual fallacy is extremely dangerous. This is likely why transitioned transgender people have the highest suicide rate of any group in the world. But you care not for their lives because you don't want to offend. You celebrated when guy marriage was legalized but never thought to say that the government has never been given the right to dictate marriage. Marriage is a sacred charge a living contract between two individuals. Their gender or faith is not the governments concern. You want our LGTBQ brothers and sisters to not be discriminated against then stop discriminating by acting like you had the power to give them something that never belonged to you in the first place. All your virtue signaling don't say anything to offend anyone has done is offend everyone. Freedom is offensive I'm offended by you censoring free speech I'm offended that you feel you are so powerful that us poor minorities need masssas help. Study your history and spot treating people like blacks what's, Latin Americans, Asians, etc like they are different. Like Morgan freeman said "if you want to end racism, stop talking about it. You stop calling me a black man and all stop calling you a white man. We are just men" that's how you have true equality. I don't want a damn black history month either, where's white history month? Black history is American history stop perpetuating racial division by using it and condoning it. Get rid of all questions that ask about race no special treatment for race. Nothing all equal. All of you offended by speech, by freedom, are disease. Nothing but closet bigots and divisionaries. Stop dividing us. Start uniting us. Study ND teach real history. And quit raising children that are weak and un prepared for the world. Children who you've made so insecure by lack of parental structure and discipline because your too lazy to be a parent. It is you guys who are threatening to destroy this great nation. Wake up!!!!!

/r/teenagers Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it