I love wearing makeup everyday but makeup shaming gets to me.

Why do people have to be in everybody’s damn business so much? What does it matter to anybody but you and yours what damn time you get up and what you choose to do with that time? Busybodies need to have all of the seats, immediately.

I hate this shit so much. I was in the middle of a meeting had a coworker burst out loud “oh my god you’re wearing false lashes!” This was a woman, too, who was wearing her fair share of makeup. I was so mad and quietly said “yes, as I do every day” and I try to continue what I was saying about our project and then she interrupted again going “wow, I’ve never seen someone wear false eyelashes to work!” I was like “GIRL I JUST TOLD YOU I WEAR THEM EVERY DAY SO YES YOU HAVE” And plus we live in Southern California! Everybody has lash extensions, fillers, Botox, fake boobs, butt implants—how are false lashes shocking?

The thing is they aren’t. This person just want to be obnoxious and make me feel insecure about my appearance. That backfired on her. That’s what it’s all about. Making you feel uncomfortable for your own personal choices. Ladies (and men! ) don’t let them do it. Wear your falsies. Get up at 3am to do a full contour. Fuck them.

Tl/dr Mind your own business, busybodies.

/r/Makeup Thread