Loved how my engagement photos turned out!

Disclaimer: Please be kind as I'm still slowly accepting myself.

I'm so happy that we are allowed to be happy. I haven't yet accepted that I am one of the "we" 's who is allowed to be happy. Sorry for the garbled nonsense.

I can look at people who are similar to me and different to me and see them succeed in life and feel only happiness on their behalf. I just struggle to apply that to myself.

You are probably one of the most beautiful people I have ever seen and I'm not trying to qualify my statement. Your happiness shines like a beacon.

In the past, I would have been blind to your beauty due to my own self hate. You would not have existed as a person deserving of consideration of the word - not in a malicious way, please understand, but as if the terminology could not be applied to you. Imagine trying to assess a ruler by its ability to act as a blanket.

I hope that I am able to look at myself one day and see someone who deserves happiness.


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