Lovely Stone County Sheriffs officer with girls under 21, smoking weed

I love how everyone just blindly reads the title, and the caption in this video (which was written by a third party, reposting the original they found; and not actually someone there); both by random people, and just assume it's real.

Let's go over the facts of what you can actually see here:

  • Party going on.

  • 2 women smoking, drinking, laughing, yelling, filming the officer.

  • Officer sitting there with a pen in his hand obviously writing something.

So you can listen to the random title, which is made up...or my made up idea that he was probably called to a party for a noise complaint, walked in, asked who's house it was, and is there taking a report.

Both aren't facts, because all the know is what he see in the video...but given that he doesn't smoke or drink, and again, only has a pen in his hand; I think my explanation is more likely.

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