low effort post to end a low effort weekend. also I didn't do centrist cause they're the worst at everything

It doesn't work as an analogy, because of the reason einsteins work was accepted (hard evidence). You said

the same way physicists weren’t forced to support albert Einstein’s new ideas about relativity, instead they supported it because it was valid and deepened their understanding.

Physicists support einsteins ideas because they are reflective of reality. Not because it feels good to do so.

Psychology is not a hard science. That doesn’t make it any less valid

False. It has incredibly poor predictive power and is at the whim of culture and opinion rather than fact and evidence. The reason things are taken in and out of the definition of mental illness isn't because of hard evidence, but rather due to popular opinion.

Also, all of the listed articles are in favour of gender identity because gender identity is an indisputable thing, and all of the listed articles assert that gender identity and transgender are not “delusions” as you originally stated. Or maybe you forgot.

Where is the evidence that accepting these delusions (a belief which is discrepant from reality, i.e. believing you are a gender which you are not) reduces suicide rate? There is evidence it reduces self reported stress numbers, but there are a number of reasons not to trust self reported values.

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