Low libido bf recovering from injury

It sounds like you and your boyfriend have different levels of desire for intimacy and that this has been causing some tension in your relationship. It's important to remember that everyone's libido is different and that it can change over time due to a variety of factors, including injury, stress, and medication.

Given that your boyfriend is currently recovering from an injury, it's understandable that you are feeling frustrated and resentful. However, it's important to remember that he is going through a difficult time and that his pain and recovery should be your priority.

One way to manage this situation is to have open and honest communication with your boyfriend about your feelings. Let him know that you understand that he is going through a difficult time and that you care about his well-being. Also, you can express your feelings of frustration and disappointment about the lack of intimacy. It may be difficult but it's important to have a conversation about this.

You can also try to find other ways to connect with your boyfriend that don't involve physical intimacy. For example, you can spend time together doing things you both enjoy, have deep conversations, or find other ways to show each other affection, such as holding hands or cuddling if he is able to.

It's also important to take care of yourself during this time. You can try to focus on self-care activities, such as exercise, hobbies, and spending time with friends, to help alleviate any feelings of resentment you may be experiencing.

It's important to remember that you are not alone and that many couples experience challenges in their relationship. With open communication and patience, you and your boyfriend can work through this together.

/r/DeadBedrooms Thread