Lowe’s plans layoffs as it changes store staffing model

Agreed. If they agree to stop villifying the people who acctually need it, it's worth it.

Of course, they're probably going to need to do some "population extermination control", to pull off a socialist idea like that.

Good thing the Republicans are way ahead of them with their "villify the genetically impure" arguments.

(Currently starring transgender people - and soon, others as well.)

How much money could the government throw your way, in order for you to justify a White Supremacist idealogy?

That's the real question you need to ask yourself.

Think everyone in Germany woke up, and decided to hate the Jews one day?

No. They threw money at them, until they looked the other way.

They needed at least a few million people gone to make their own National Socialism work.

So they figured out a way: The f--king Holocaust.

So that's the question:

What if they tell you the only way this works, is by shipping off "genetically impure" types to death camps?

Do you go for it?

Or do you demand that not be implemented, even if you receive less money?

That is the scary question you may soon be faced with.

(And it's a false question, by the way. Transgender people are 0.1 percent of the population, in their case)

(But I believe they're just a test run.)

Can a "socialist" idea like this be implemented, without "genetic impurity" arguments?

Maybe Republicans are playing bad cop, so Democrats can play good cop.

Do the dirty work, exterminate and villify the "right" people - remove them from the public sphere.

Then you have Democrats propose Universal Basic Income, when that's over.

That way, you keep it in the black - financially speaking.

(Get rid of the "parasites", as it were.)

Of course, the Republicans will say they hate socialism. They don't have to like it.

That's not their play.

Their play will being villifying and helping exterminate the right minority groups, in order to make it cost efficient.

Do I seriously believe this?

I don't know, but it's possible.

Can you impliment Universal Basic Income without exterminating and deporting a massive amount of people?

I'm not sure. You tell me.

Would it be justified?

The Germans thought so.

The more they " took" from the Jews, the more they made.

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