LPR Questions

  1. That's what I was thinking. Not initially, because my symptoms weren't even that bad three months ago, so I was just like "I'll take the pills and cut back on crap," which worked for me. But it's not like they're worse now, they just last longer now because I'm not taking care of myself, so I'm worried that my doctor would refuse my referral to a GI if they don't think I need it. (I do have a lot of social phobia that results in me not being able to assert myself, but I know I have to push through it as only I am my best advocate.)
  2. Oh, I thought LPR was the UES, and typical GERD was the LES. So I guess I was mistaken. I wonder why we don't get heartburn if we have the same sphincter malfunctioning. Barrett's scares the shit out of me. I don't care that "only old people get it": I'm 25 and have been drinking multiple cans of soda a day since I was a teenager, so I've been damaging my throat for years now, and I don't doubt it could affect my esophagus.

Anxiety for me involves overeating and binging on all the crackers and cookies in front of me before work, and then not only is my throat coated with sugary acid crap, my stomach hurts and my belt's popping out of its loops. That hasn't been the case recently, I've cut back on the overeating, thank goodness. And once I get to work, I'm not stressed at all, moving around, and by the time I get home I can eat a plate of chicken nuggets and vegetables for dinner and feel fine. So basically, not eating is the solution for me, which I know isn't sustainable.

Thanks for the in-depth response to my queries. I really appreciate it.

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