LPT: Don’t take criticism from somebody you wouldn’t take advice from.

People regularly criticise others by stating 'x can't take criticism'. The problem is, unsolicited criticism (and advice in many cases) is going to get a negative response from considerable proportion of people.

If you are someones boss, parent, spouse (as long as you are not abusive) or best friend (to a more limited degree), you get free reign to offer unsolicited criticism to a varying extent that is dependent on the relationship.

However, if you are someones sibling or colleague, don't expect unsolicited criticism to go down well and, if it doesn't, then the fault was on your side and not theirs. Especially among siblings, this kind of unsolicited behaviour can cause serious long term problems; ignore this at your own peril.

Of course, in the work place or where family is concerned (or in any case really), this goes out of the window in cases of extreme errors or dangerous actions, but what this constitutes is another difficult matter.

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