LPT: if you don't have a credit card get one. Use it for small purchases like gas and groceries. Practice paying the balance off every month.

Your DEBT SCORE. If you refer to the comment you’re replying to.

Owning credit cards you don’t even use is even dumber. You don’t need credit cards to raise your debt score, just fucking pay your bills on time and you’ll automatically have good credit.

If you’ve been duped into believing you need credit cards show experion shows you a fancy number then I’ve got some ocean front property in Arizona to sell you. But I suppose you couldn’t afford it anyway, since you take advice to GO INTO DEBT.

If you pay your bills on time you wouldn’t have a low debt score. If you did have a low debt score it’s because you fucked off on your bills at some point in your life. Nobody has a low score just from not having credit cards, that’s absurd.

/r/LifeProTips Thread Parent