LPT: If someone says they don't want to celebrate their birthday, don't try to secretly arrange a party for them. They probably have a good reason for not wanting it.

I'm the opposite of this. I always wish somebody would go all out for my birthday, even if it is just one person and not a whole party, but a party would be lovely... and this is coming from a total introvert. I've had so many shitty birthdays where I have been completely forgotten by my own family (I have almost no friends) that I just expect nothing at this point so I won't be disappointed. Only once has anybody truly made me feel loved and special on my birthday and it was the best birthday I have ever had.

As much as I wish for somebody to go all out for me for my birthday, I never tell anybody my birthday is coming up as much as I would like to because I have been disappointed so many times that I just don't want to deal with that again. I also love surprises and nobody ever surprises me, so I figure if it does happen then not only will be I be thrilled, but also pleasantly surprised.

My birthday is in two weeks and you people are the only ones I'm telling.

/r/LifeProTips Thread