LPT: If someone tells you they don't drink alcohol, don't ask them why.

Because I was almost arrested as a sex offender.


I never actually did anything, but guilty by association ya know. So anyway, a few buddies and I had just gotten the green light to go out in town for the holiday, it was in training and the marine corps likes to fuck trainees. We're all out there having a good time, doing infantry shit, i.e. Drinking heavily. I'm not a drinker, I don't like it, I don't like losing control, and fuck hangovers. So another guy brings these two girls over that he had just met. I'm basically chilling in a chair only sort of aware what's going on. Someone else is passed out on the floor and the two Puerto Ricans are hitting on girl #1 pretty hard. Girl #2 had already disappeared into the other room with our remaining friend. Time passes, I'm still lost in space, ginger bro is still passed out on the floor, now the girls are drunk and the Puerto Ricans are running the train. All I remember for the next few minutes is her saying I don't like Mexicans, and the two Puerto Ricans denying being Mexican. Then the next thing I know I carrying my sleeping ginger friend down the hall because her father shows up. Surprise! She's 17. I get on the elevator with my half conscious friend thinking it was all over. Fuckin booze dicked me over, roughly 2 minutes had passed and we GET ON THE SAME ELEVATOR (like the drunken retards we were) AND HER AND HER DAD ARE ON IT. She just looks at us from behind him and shakes her head "no". The door closes, we don't see friend number five for two days. Somehow we all survived with our military records intact and I swore off drinking for quite some time. There is a little more to the story of you want to hear it.

TL;DR We get drunk, someone fucks a 17 y/o. Daddy shows up. Holyfuckrun. Success. I think I've had enough.

/r/LifeProTips Thread