LPT: Teenagers, if you have a toxic friend, cut them off.

I second this. Triple this. Quadruple this. God.

All throughout middle school I had a best friend that was so insanely possesive and cut me off from everyone else in my grade. She told me everyone secretly hated me and, because I never really got the oppritunity to talk to anyone else, I wholeheartedly believed her. Conversations weren't conversations, they were "let me use you as a prop to articulate how much prettier and smarter and cooler than you" sessions, which eventually morphed into "let me subtly tell you that you're ugly and dumb and universally disliked and then take it all back so you don't desert me" sessions. The worst thing is is that while this inadequecy is building inside of you, toxic friends make it seem as if you are so lucky they are lowering themselves so much by be friends with you, and that no one else would ever willingly talk to you. This makes is so that they are the only person you can go to, which just fuels the invalidation. Wash, rinse, repeat.

If you have this type of person in your life, dispose of them! By any means necessary! As long as you aren't killing them! Or harming them in any way really! Because what you want to do to them is probably illegal! And you don't need that trouble in your life! Because prison really isn't as cool as Orange is the New Black makes it seem!

But all jokes aside, after getting the opportunity to separate from that life-draining leech of a friendship, I suddenly realized that I was actually, in fact, not a disgustingly terrible person and that people actually though I was genuinely nice and pretty and funny and likable (it's sad how much of a shock all of this was to me) and now I'm actually inching towards happiness! Find friends who fuel you, not drain you. It'll work out. It'll get better. You'll still feel inadequate sometimes, and it's a struggle to try and rebuild your self esteem piece by piece after it's been held in a choke hold for so long, but you're okay. You're a cool, interesting, beautiful person.. And if your friends aren't helping you to see that, then chuck 'em out of your psyche.

/r/LifeProTips Thread