LPT: When planning for a wedding, get pricing from caterers, florists, tables/chairs, etc. as just a party, not a “wedding”.

I kind of addressed this in my other comment but there’s a perception with weddings. If you want a chicken nuggets and fries buffet as your wedding food then say that. Don’t say oh it’s just a kids birthday and then have it be a wedding. Because if I go in preparing to serve kids nuggets and fries, everyone at that wedding will think I’m the worst caterer on the planet, and since caterers and photographers and DJs and everything else at a wedding all rely on word of mouth and generating business by showcasing their work, it’s a really dick move to be so deceptive.

In this ludicrous example, my boss would’ve likely turned down the job because even if someone wanted nuggets and fries for their wedding food and was upfront about it being for a wedding, it’s not a good look compared to her usual offering and she would have referred a different caterer.

/r/LifeProTips Thread Parent