LPT: When a Redditor is being a jerk to you, check to see if they're just a jerk to everyone. They usually are, and then you won't feel bad.

Years ago, I stumbled on some feminist sub where a commenter was going off about mens' rights activists. I was instabanned for saying that some mens' rights issues are valid, like the bias in custody battles and the lack of parity in selective service registration requirements. When I PM'd a moderator asking why I was banned, I was called a misogynist and sexist, mixed in with some other vitriol. So I asked which one of my remarks was sexist or misogynist and told her I was only saying that equality is a two way street. She sarcastically thanked me for mansplaining that for her, told me my understanding of gender issues was insipid, and then banned me from contacting the mods.

Long story short, Reddit empowers some stupid fucking people, creating some pretty toxic echo chambers, in which fester and grow some very crazy/toxic personalities.

/r/LifeProTips Thread Parent